Good conduct on the road is part of the solution

Suzanne Lareau
April 1, 2019

Even though the number of year-round cyclists continues to grow, many will be getting their bikes out of storage over the next few weeks. As a result, car-bicycle-truck-pedestrian interactions will increase and we will once again find that there is still a long way to go in terms of establishing harmonious, peaceful relations between road users and adapting our roads and streets to the reality of biking.

Road safety statistics over the past twenty years show that progress has been made, but we can still do better. The Vision zéro initiative, which Montreal just launched and Trois-Rivières and a few other cities also hope to join, is a step in the right direction. This initiative is aimed at reviewing the design, layout and operation of transit systems and establishing the concept of shared responsibility between users and designers of the road system. While we all agree on the importance of better adapted infrastructures and a Highway Safety Code that is more reflective of active transportation, we recognize that the good conduct of all cyclists is also part of the solution.

Last September, we launched the campaign On the road, our safety is linked together, which will continue over the coming months. During previous campaigns, we chose to address all road users when talking about road sharing. This time, we decided to aim more specifically at cyclists, mainly those who do not feel adequately informed about the basics of biking. By reminding everyone about safety rules, mainly regarding night lighting, we try to illustrate that good conduct on the road will benefit all road users.

Happy spring!

Suzanne Lareau
President and CEO
