A program that provides incentives, hands-on assistance and recognition for communities and businesses that actively support cycling as areal transportation and recreation option.
Website in French
A cycling education program aimed at children attending grades 5 and 6 of elementary school.
Imaginez le Québec à vélo de demain : une démarche participative orchestrée par Vélo Québec à l’occasion de son 50e anniversaire.
I remember my first time in October 2005: discovering this monumental city with that exhilarating feeling of freedom that cycling gives us. I was exploring Paris on two wheels, weaving between...
The Garage 529 App — the best solution for preventing bike theft and the possession of stolen goods — is now available to Montréal cyclists! Register your bike in this App now and...
Vélo Québec is a very proud recipient of a 2021 Prix Novae for its project Jardin du Petit Monde à Bicyclette in La Fontaine Park in Montréal, where tomorrow’s cyclists can learn how to bike...
Planning to go out this Friday? Whatever the reason, register now in the 9th International Winter Bike to Work Day! This friendly...
En devenant membre de Vélo Québec, vous appuyez notre mission de développer et promouvoir la pratique du vélo et contribuez avec nous à bâtir le Québec à vélo de demain.