Tour de l’Île de Montréal – Discovery
Discover the Greater Montreal area
june 2 2024 Jeanne-Mance Park

Feel like pedaling some more, and discovering the Greater Montreal area? You’ve got a great Sunday ahead of you!

More information on the route to come.

Tour de l’Île de Montréal – Discovery course

The Tour de l’Île de Montréal’s Discovery course is the perfect opportunity for those who want to discover the greater metropolitan area while taking part in the great cycling festival that is the Tour de l’Île. Experience the excitement of the regular route, and add kilometers to your day by riding on marked routes open to traffic. This year, we offer two routes of 68 and 96 km that will take you to the westernmost part of the island, making this a true (half) Tour de l’Île, starting from Parc Jeanne-Mance!


2024 Rates

12 years old and under : Free


January 9 to February 12, 2024
Early bird
February 13 to April 1, 2024
Regular rate
April 2 to May 20, 2024
Last minute
May 21 to June 2, 2024
13-17 years old 17,40 $ 17,40 $ 17,40 $ 17,40 $
Adult 65 $ 70 $ 80 $ 90 $
Vélo Québec Member 53 $ 55 $ 69 $ 79 $

By participating in the Go Bike Montreal Festival events (Metropolitan Challenge, Tour la Nuit, Tour de l’Île de Montréal), you agree that Vélo Québec, the Festival’s partners and the media present at these events may capture images of you that can be used to promote and broadcast the Festival in all its forms (photos, videos, multiplatform media, etc.)

All prices are before taxes. Taxes will be added when you finalize your registration.

Discovery course – 68 and 96 km

The Discovery course allows you to enjoy the regular Tour de l’Île de Montréal course on streets closed to traffic while also extending the distance on marked roads so that you can explore even more of the city.

Registered for the Tour de l’Île de Montréal’s Discovery course?

Visit the participant information page for all the details about your Tour de l’Île!

An overview of the Tour de l’Île de Montréal

#Tourdelile – Share your experience

Frequently asked questions

Find all the answers to your questions about the Go Bike Montreal Festival events.

Become a volunteer

Get involved for fun and for the cause! Contribute to a memorable experience for cyclists.

Ride as a group for a cause

Form a group of 15 people or more and Vélo Québec will donate 15% of your registration fee to the charity of your choice.

Thanks to our partners





